Victoria Camplin-Welch
Dip Ed MA Clin Psych (Natal SA)
eCALD Learning/Teaching Programmes (7)
CME/CNE/MOPS certified
These are certified online and face-to-face courses for health practitioners working with CALD clients across the health sector. The programmes include:
Demographics, background research, clinical assessment, treatment and interventions as relevant to cross-cultural practice.
Case studies, clinical scenarios, cross-cultural assessment tools, questionnaires, tables and toolkits are provided throughout, and are integrated into the learning material. Multimedia includes video, audio, graphics, and interactive exercises for the online version.
Culture and Cultural Competency
Working with Migrant Patients
Working with Refugee Patients
Working with Interpreters
Working with Religious Diversity
Working with CALD families - Disability Awareness
Working in a Mental Health Context with CALD clients
An accredited certificate is provided on completion and can be used for continued education points.
Some courses are required as pre-requisites for others. Please click the link below for details.
Researched and written by Victoria Camplin-Welch. Videos compiled, scripted and produced by Victoria Camplin-Welch
The first 4 programmes were originally co-researched and produced with Dr. Kathy Jackson for WDHB and RASNZ. They were subsequently adapted for online learning with Victoria Camplin-Welch, Auckland University Goodfellow Unit, Asian Health Support Services for WDHB
© Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB)