Victoria Camplin-Welch
Dip Ed MA Clin Psych (Natal SA)
Resource for culturally diverse workplaces 1 and 2
Cross-cultural Resource For Health Practitioners working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) clients
This is an online resource providing information on 14 different cultures for health practitioners working with CALD clients in the NZ health system. It offers a brief guide and tips for interacting with clients and families whose health practices and beliefs may differ from those of the NZ health system.
Cultures included are: Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Burmese, Laotion, Cambodian, Indian, Afghani, Iraqi, Iranian, Somalian, Sudanese, Eritrean and Ethiopian, Burundian.
It is also available as a printed booklet in quick reference format as a
Cross-Cultural Toolkit
Resource for culturally diverse workplaces 3
Learning Programme for Managing Cultural Diversity (Managers Working in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Health Environment) for 2 local district health boards
This learning programme covers topics Cultural Competency, Culture and Values, Cultural Dimensions, Communication Styles, Facilitating and Building Diverse Teams, Managing Conflict in Diverse Teams, Celebrating Diversity.
It includes power point presentation, handbook for participants, background reading and notes for teachers/trainers, and handouts for participants (including role plays and games). It is staff and manager focused (not client focused).
Resource for culturally diverse workplaces 4
Toolkit for Staff Working in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Health Environment
This Toolkit was developed for two district health boards for all staff that work with culturally and linguistically diverse colleagues and clients. It is staff and manager focused (not client focused). The resource includes a section for new immigrants on how to work with New Zealanders, another for New Zealanders on how to work with immigrant colleagues, and for Managers (New Zealanders or immigrant managers) to work with their CALD teams.
All written and compiled by Victoria Camplin-Welch, produced by Asian Health Support Services
© Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB), and Counties-Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB)
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