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Victoria Camplin-Welch
Dip Ed MA Clin Psych (Natal SA)
Cross-Cultural Productions
Video Scenarios
During a 9 year period over 100 short videos were created for the CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) series. The scenarios were conceived, scripted and produced by me, drawing on my work as a clinical psychologst, my experience in the cross-cultural and refugee sectors, and as a script writer.
The scenarios explore, demonstrate and reflect on how cross-cultural issues interact with health and mental health, within a range of different contexts. They are aimed at increasing awareness, expanding knowledge and demonstrating skills for practitioners to provide accessible and culturally appropriate healthcare to people with diverse health beliefs, needs and practices.
Scenarios include:
Patient/client/family-practitioner consultations across Asian, Middle Eastern, African and European-based cultures, focus groups, practitioner supervision, pracitioner reflections, best practice vs standard practice scenarios, expert reflections and discussions, interpreter-client issues, and interpreter-practitioner issues. Interactive and reflective questions are provided for learners.
They cover working with migrants and refugees, interpreters, religious issues, disability, mental health, older people and family violence, maternal health, and cultural competency.
Copyright is vested in the funders - WDHB, NRA, and RASNZ. Since viewing is by enrolment or subscription only the videos cannot be shown here. Please visit if you wish to view the resources, or contact me for further access to video material, or the DVDs below
Ayurvedic Medicine
This DVD was produced for CALD to supplement the learning programme Working with Migrants. It offers an example of a traditional medicine system (Indian). It includes narration, expert interview, demonstrations of ayurvedic assessments and health treatments (body type, pulse diagnosis, kati basti, panchakarma, shirodhara, and ayurvedic massage), and graphics.
Researched, scripted, directed and produced by Victoria Camplin-Welch
© Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB), and Refugees As Survivors New Zealand (RASNZ)
Mind Health and Emotional Wellbeing
This DVD was produced for RASNZ and the Red Cross New Zealand for training volunteers who support and mentor refugees during their first 6 months of resettlement in New Zealand. Its aim is to develop awareness about refugee experiences, how these impact on wellbeing, and how to recognize various common mental health symptoms for appropriate referral (including depression, anxiety, PTSD and differing cultural expressions of distress).
It includes narration, footage of pre- and post-migration experiences, interviews with resettled refugees, text summaries, scenarios about mental health issues, and expert reflections.
Produced by Victoria Camplin-Welch with Rob Munnik
© RASNZ and Red Cross New Zealand
A selection of screen shots from scenarios and DVDs are provided above.
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